Wednesday, August 26, 2009

from tapah to air kuning for bazar ramadhan

we went to air kuning. as i mentioned before, during fasting month ill try to cover most bazar ramadhan in my area.

so went to to air kuning.... it was a rainy journey starting from beginning....

from tapah to air kuning for bazar ramadhan p1

the rain stopped..... so the journey began to smooth....... i just need to follow the route shown....
from tapah to air kuning for bazar ramadhan p2

but later on... i found none of the bazars existed along the way..... and i travelled back to my place... tapah....
danny was jumping up and down with frustration as he had to stay inside the car for the whole time... huhu
from tapah to air kuning for bazar ramadhan p3

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